A Pike education ignites a lifelong journey of discovery.
At The Pike School, we are dedicated to fostering an intellectually ambitious, inclusive, and individualized educational environment where we empower every child to explore boundless opportunities for thinking, creating, competing, and igniting their curiosity.
It’s the secret to our students’ success.
I have been lucky to experience Pike as a student, a teacher, and also a parent. For me, Pike has always been a community that is welcoming, nurturing, and inspiring. It truly exudes positive energy that can be felt from all perspectives.
Hilary Field, Kindergarten Teacher
The students at Pike are passionate, coachable, and hard working. I enjoy being able to coach them as they compete and represent Pike on the athletic field.Matt Medeiros, Athletics Director
Having taught in a variety of school settings, I can honestly say that Pike students stand out in their genuine curiosity and willingness to try new things. Every day they constantly remind me of the joy of learning.
George Philips, Upper School Music Teacher
As a teacher at Pike, I value the opportunity to explore a rich curriculum, from the science behind simple machines to the cultural traditions of México. Even more than that, I value the opportunity to create a community where I know the unique identities and passions of the children in my space. Teaching second grade isn't the most important thing I do — teaching children is.Julia Alexander, Grade 1 Teacher
Seventh Grade history students explore stories of growth, power, and struggle. They find their voices in class discussions and learn about others who used their own voices to make change in the world. Our students will have the opportunity to make the world a better place, I hope that this course plays a role in helping them be more compassionate and informed.Mary Machado, Grade 7 History Teacher
Recent News
Family Math Night is an all-school event designed to bring students, families, and faculty together to celebrate the power of math at Pike. Held on campus, the evening featured a variety of interactive math stations, collaborative challenges, and hands-on activities for all ages.
Pike’s seventh grade students showcased their knowledge and creativity at the Renaissance Art Gallery, held just outside the theater. This event marked the culmination of weeks of studying the Renaissance, with a focus on the art of both Italy and Northern Europe.
Nancy Hartmann, Pike's Director of Auxiliary Programs received the SPARC Excellence in Auxiliary Award for exemplary work and outstanding contributions to the field of independent school auxiliary programs.