Communication to Families 2024-25
Division Specific Communication
Lower School (Grades Pre-K — 4)
- 9.2.24
- August Family Letter 8.19.24
- August Family Letter 8.5.24
- Lower School Opening 2024-25
- Lower School Parent/Guardian Procedures 2024 - 2025
- 9.6.24
- 11.26.24
- 1.6.25
Greetings Lower School Families,
I hope you're enjoying this final beautiful day of summer. We have been working hard at Pike getting ready for your students to arrive tomorrow - we are excited to start a great new school year!
Many thanks to those of you who have completed the Student Snapshot - this is an incredibly helpful way for teachers to have a sense of how your students are feeling about the beginning of school, as well as get to know important logistics that will support your child as they start a new year. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to fill it out.
Additionally, many of you have submitted the Transportation Form that allows teachers to help your child get used to the routines at the end of the school day - thank you! If you have not had a chance to do so, we ask that you submit it as soon as possible. And speaking of transportation, please remember to use the name placard that was sent to you, in particular for pickup at the end of the day, as we all learn new names, faces, routines, and cars!
As a reminder, we have noon dismissal all 4 days this week, Tuesday through Friday. Anchor teachers are looking forward to the chance to meet with you, so please sign up with them for a meet & greet if you haven't already. You should have received an email from them with an invitation to do so.
Thanks for all you're doing to get your students ready for tomorrow - we can't wait to see them!
See you in the morning,
August Family Letter 8.19.24
Dear Lower School Families,
Hello from Pike! We hope that you have managed to stay cool during these warm summer months, and that you and your families are happy and healthy. I recently read this piece about parenting “glimmers” - our family’s glimmers this summer were watching the Olympics, attending a spectacular concert at Fenway, and finding time to enjoy good books. At Pike, we have been preparing our facilities and supporting the many teachers who took part in summer professional development opportunities, and are looking forward to welcoming your children to the 2024-2025 school year. We hope they (and you!) are excited about the start of school - the end of August can be an emotional time between winding down summer rituals and pastimes and getting ready for a new classroom, new teachers and classmates, and in some cases, a brand new campus. The entire Lower School faculty can’t wait to greet new students as well as see familiar faces, and we are counting down the days until September 3rd!
In addition to the many fantastic new students who will be joining us in Lower School this year, we are delighted to welcome Grace Wettach to our Fourth Grade teaching team and Holly Gilmartin (former Fourth grade teacher) to our First Grade teaching team. Jordyn Fenton will be part of our PE team this fall as Colleen Shannon enjoys her family leave with her new baby Ezra. Niko Lester will be a wonderful addition to our contract teaching team, and Archana Khot will get to know all of our Lower Schoolers at recess as well as Pike Plus in her new role. Finally, Chris Ouellette will be supporting our students, teachers, and families as our schoolwide Director of Student Support.
By now you have received links to the various forms that are due back to Pike by Monday, August 26th. In addition to the Magnus list, please complete this Lower School Transportation Form and Lower School Student Snapshot Form by Monday if you have not already done so. This portion of our website highlights general information for all Lower School families about school procedures and the start of the school year. Please review it carefully, and reach out if we can answer any questions or address any concerns. Additionally, families will have access to class placement information on Veracross starting at noon today.
This will be my eighth year as Head of Lower School at Pike, and eight happens to be my lucky number! As I reflect on my time here and prepare for the upcoming school year, I feel truly lucky to be part of this amazing community, and honored to witness your children’s journey of discovery. I aspire to lead the Lower School faculty in partnering with you, celebrating the authenticity and intellectual ambition of each student, and keeping our motto, Non Sibi Solum, at the heart of all we do. We count on feedback from you as we continually refine and improve the Lower School program, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.
Enjoy these final days of August and know that we can’t wait to welcome your children with open arms to Pike’s Lower School in a few short weeks!
Marybeth Heyd (Head of Lower School), and the entire Lower School Faculty
P.S. The Lower School potluck is this Thursday, August 22 at 6 pm on the patio at Pike. Childcare for LS students and siblings will be provided. I’m excited to attend and hope to see many of you there!
August Family Letter 8.5.24
Dear Lower School Families,
I hope you’re all enjoying summer!
Today you received a letter from our school nurses containing information about accessing Magnus, our student health information system, in order to complete the forms necessary for us to begin the school year. We appreciate your cooperation in completing the forms as soon as possible, and no later than August 26th. Additionally, there are two forms attached to this letter that require your attention.
- Anchor teachers are eager to support their students from the moment they set foot on campus. We aim to nurture trusting relationships from the start so that our students may thrive in Lower School, and do so by seeking feedback from you, their first and most important teachers. The Fall 2024 Lower School Student Snapshots can be found here. Please review the list and click the link for your child’s grade level. If you have more than one child at Pike, you will complete one for each of them. We truly appreciate you taking the time to complete the form(s) no later than August 26th.
- In order for students to safely get to and from school, we require that all families complete a Pike Transportation Form. Please complete this no later than August 26th, in order to support our planning.
- IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF ANDOVER, Andover Public Schools offers bus transportation services for your student. Pike does not arrange or manage bus registrations. Residents of Andover can register through APS; please note that the initial deadline has passed and requests from now on will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis and will not be assigned a bus until early September. For all questions, please contact the Andover Public Schools Transportation Manager, Doris Moreno, at (978) 247-7065.
- Please note that class placement information will be available on Veracross on August 19th, 2024, at noon.
- Please remember that during the first week of school, September 3-6, 2024, Lower School has noon dismissal. After-school care - the Lower School Extravaganza! - is available for students on these days. More information can be found here.
Please keep an eye out for additional information from me on August 19th. I hope you have a safe and fun few weeks!
See you soon!
Marybeth Heyd
Head of Lower School
Lower School Opening 2024-25
Lower School Opening 2024-2025
Deadline for Forms—Monday, August 26, 2024
Please complete all forms by the August 26, 2024 deadline. In addition to the various health-related forms, we wanted to highlight the Lower School Transportation Form and the Lower School Student Snapshot Form. The Snapshot Form gives you the opportunity to provide helpful insights and perspectives about your child, apprising the Head of Lower School and your child’s anchor teacher of pertinent information before your child arrives on the first day of school. To ensure that your child gets home safely each day, the Transportation Form is essential.
Medication Drop off —Thursday August 29, 2023 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Medications: You can drop prescription medications with our school nurses on Thursday, August 29 or on the first day of school.
First Day of School—Tuesday, September 3, 2024; 8:00 a.m.
On the first day of school, Tuesday, September 3, children may be dropped off between 8:00-8:20 a.m. to their assigned locations (Lower School entrance for Grades Pre-K to 2, Horne Building entrance to the left of the main entrance for Grades 3-4) or families may park and accompany their Lower School student(s) to their classroom(s). Pike staff will help direct children to classrooms.
Once children have been dropped off, all parents/guardians are welcome to join the annual “Boohoo/Yahoo Coffee” between 8:00-9:30 a.m. Greet old friends, meet new ones, and ring in the new school year with a hot cup of coffee!
First Week of School, All Half Days—September 3-6, 2024; 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Lower School children will be dismissed at noon on Tuesday through Friday, September 3-6. The Lower School Extravaganza program is being offered daily on these early dismissal days. There is a fee for the program, and all students must preregister for this program by August 25th. There is no Andover bus pickup at the noon dismissal on the first four days of school.
Meet Your Child’s Anchor Teacher—September 3-5; 1:00-3:00 p.m.
We invite all Lower School parents/guardians to meet via Zoom with their child’s anchor teacher during the first week of school. Each family may sign up for a 15-minute meeting. Time slots for grades PK-4 will be offered on Tuesday, September 3, Wednesday, September 4 and Thursday, September 5, between 1:00-3:00 p.m. You will receive an email with specifics about sign-ups from your child’s anchor teacher. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Though this is an optional meeting, we encourage all families to participate, as it gives teachers and parents/guardians the chance to make a personal connection early in the school year.
Other Fall Dates to Note
Lower School Back-To-School Night will be held on Thursday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. This parent/guardian only event is an opportunity for you to learn about what a day in the life of your child looks like at Pike. You will have a chance to meet specialist teachers and other instructional support staff, participate in grade-level presentations, and visit your child’s classroom. Please stay tuned for a detailed schedule of the evening.
Student picture day is Tuesday, October 1, with retakes on November 5.
Lunch Bunch begins on Monday, October 7! Lower School parents/guardians are invited to join their children for lunch in the Dining Room (and in the classroom for Pre-K). Families are asked to limit visits to once a month. Please sign in and get a nametag at the front desk before going to the Dining Room to meet your child. Grades 3-4 have lunch at 11:30 and Grades Pre-K to 2 have lunch at noon.
There is no school/no Pike Plus on Monday October 14 (Indigenous People’s Day) and Monday November 11 (Veteran’s Day). There is a Professional Development Day on Tuesday October 15, and IgniteED@Pike will be available that day.
We are excited to once again plan opportunities to gather our families at Lower School Playdates - we hope you will join us! Parents/guardians, Pike students and siblings are all welcomed to share a snack and have fun chatting or playing together after school on the “Front Yard” (K-2 playground). Refreshments will be provided, and parents/guardians must chaperone their child. The fall playdate will be on Friday, October 18 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and the spring playdate will tentatively be on Friday, May 9 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
There is no school, but IgniteED@Pike is available on Friday October 25 (Parent & Guardian/Teacher Conferences).
Plan Ahead for Key Dates
As a family, you have access to Pike’s school calendar with dates clearly listed for parent & guardian/teacher conferences, school vacations, and holidays. These dates are identified well in advance to provide as much notice as possible for families to schedule vacations during allotted time periods, and in order for parents/guardians to make arrangements to attend conferences. Thank you in advance for consulting these dates as you make plans for your family for the coming school year, and please reach out if you have any questions.
Lower School Parent/Guardian Procedures 2024 - 2025
Lower School Parent/Guardian Procedures 2024 - 2025
Communication with the School
Please be assured that we want to be in touch with you about matters that could have any bearing on your child's day in school. We are never more than a phone call away at (978) 475-1197. Although teachers usually are not free to answer emails or phone calls immediately, they will respond when they have a free moment, definitely within 24 hours.
All messages about changes in a child's regular after-school routine should be in written form (either by email or note) and delivered to the classroom teacher (and copied to Marybeth Heyd, Lower School Head) ahead of the change and no later than the morning of the change. Carpools, bus drivers and Pike Plus should also be apprised of any changes.
School Hours
Morning dropoff begins at 8:00 a.m. and children may be dropped off between 8:00 and 8:20. Faculty members are on duty at that time, and children go directly into their classrooms upon arrival. Classes begin promptly at 8:20. Pre-K to Grade 2 students who arrive after 8:20 a.m. must be walked in by a caregiver who will sign them in as tardy at the receptionist’s desk. Grade 3-4 students may walk in independently after 8:20 but must stop at the receptionist's desk and sign in as tardy.
Children may be dropped off from 7:30-8:00 a.m. for early drop-off in the Dining Room. Staff provide supervision and ensure that children make their way to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m
Lower School Dismissal is as follows:
3:10-3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
2:00-2:20 p.m. Wednesday
Please click here for information regarding our after-care program, Pike Plus!
For the safety of our students, all doors will be locked after 8:30 a.m. All visitors are required to sign in and out at the receptionist’s desk and wear a visitor tag during their visit. The receptionist will notify the classroom teacher of the arrival of visitors.
Traffic is one way through the Pike driveway. All vehicles enter from Sunset Rock Road and exit onto Hidden Road. For the safety of the children, do not use cell phones during drop-off and dismissal.
Beginning at 8:00 a.m. each morning, Lower School staff members are ready to welcome and help Pre-K through Grade 2 children out of the car and into the school building. Please make sure your Pre-K to Grade 2 student always enters through the Lower School door (not the main entrance) so that we can greet your child and know they arrived safely. Please ensure that your child is ready to exit the car when it pulls up, with their coat on and backpack or schoolbag in hand. Staff will open doors and help children out of cars until 8:20 a.m., after which they must enter the front door of the school with a caregiver to check in with the receptionist, who will mark them as tardy.
Between 8:00-8:20 a.m. Grade 3-4 students can independently exit their car in front of the main entrance to the school and enter the Horne Building entrance (to the left of the front door). After 8:20 a.m. Grade 3-4 children must enter the front door of the school independently and check in with the receptionist, who will mark them as tardy.
In the event that you need to have your child dismissed early, please send an email or note letting the anchor teacher know what time your child will be dismissed. It is helpful to copy the Division Head about any dismissal changes to a child’s routine so that they can ensure the student knows they will be leaving early. For an early dismissal, please check in at the main desk and the receptionist will call the classroom to have your child come to the lobby.
At Lower School dismissal, Pre-K to Grade 2 children must wait for a Pike staff member to open the car door. Please do not get out of your car to help your child or urge them to enter the car on their own. In addition, we do not allow children to enter cars on the driver’s side because of safety concerns related to moving traffic. Grade 3-4 students will wait under the main entrance portico for their cars to arrive; they will enter them independently on the passenger side.
For the safety of all children, we ask that you USE YOUR VISOR NAMETAG (which will be mailed to you before school starts, please be on the lookout) and that NO CELL PHONES are used during drop off or dismissal.
NOTE: There are no Andover buses at the noon dismissal on the first four days of school. Other days when there are no Andover buses will be listed on the school calendar and Pike Hub.
Clothing Requirements
Lower School children should wear clean, comfortable play clothes to school. Children should wear sneakers on their PE days. Please send an extra pair of clearly labeled clothes, including sneakers, which will be kept at school at all times. While children generally wear smocks during messier art classes, parents/guardians are encouraged to note their child's art days and to help them choose appropriate clothing.
From Thanksgiving until spring vacation, we ask that children bring snowpants, a hat, gloves, and boots each day or leave an extra set of these items in their cubby. Please mark all articles of clothing with name tape or indelible ink. The downstairs Lost and Found is located by the Head of Lower School’s office, and the upstairs Lost and Found is located by the Director of Student Support’s office.
Parent/Guardian Conferences with Teachers and Reports
Parents/guardians will have at least two parent/guardian conferences with teachers per year. These dates are set on the school calendar at the start of the year. We ask that you schedule your conferences on these days as they are designated to ensure teacher availability. The October conference will be followed by a goals letter from your child’s teacher. Parents/guardians can access progress reports for their child in December, March, and June on Veracross.
We invite you to reach out to your child’s teacher at any time should you have a question, concern, or information to share. Teachers or administrators may request a meeting with parents/guardians as well should the need arise. Assessments occur in formal and informal ways throughout the year, and are administered by classroom teachers as well as other Pike faculty and outside professionals. Communicating about your child’s progress regardless of the individual or the setting is part of our holistic approach to addressing each child’s needs. We value the home/school partnership tremendously at Pike, and we know that open communication can only benefit our teachers and your children.
Sickness/ Excused Absence
Children are expected to be present at school unless they are sick or have officially been excused. Permission to be excused from physical education or recess must be supported by a doctor’s note.
If your child is sick, please telephone the school and leave a message with the receptionist. If you call before school hours, press 1 to report an absence. When your child returns to school after an illness, they should be ready to participate in all activities, including gym and outdoor recess.
Missing school for vacations can cause disruption to a child’s academic and social routines as well as to their connection to peers and teachers. We ask you to avoid making vacation plans outside of the regularly scheduled school vacation times. If your child will miss school for vacation planned outside of regularly scheduled time, please alert Marybeth Heyd, Lower School Head, and your child’s anchor teacher via email ahead of time so we can be aware of the absence. As the Lower School program takes place during the scheduled school day, we cannot provide missed work for vacation planned during in-school time.
Classroom Visits
Classroom visits are usually directly related to the curricular studies in a grade, and your child’s teacher will share about opportunities at Back-to-School Night. Please consult with your child’s teacher to arrange all classroom visits. We also encourage you to serve as a chaperone on a field trip, or participate in Lower School Lunch Bunch.
Field Trips
Field trips from school are generally planned well in advance, and a permission slip is sent home for you to sign. Trips are an important addition to the curriculum, and parents/guardians may be called upon to help chaperone. The number of parent/guardian chaperones may be limited on some field trips. Occasionally a walking trip is planned in the neighborhood close to the school. Notice of such trips is usually not sent home.
What NOT to Bring/Send to School
We ask that students leave toys, sports equipment, game cards, and any personal electronic devices at home. This includes Apple Watches, iPods, iPads, iPhones, and any other items that could cause distractions during the school day or go unexpectedly missing or get lost. Our classroom and outdoor curriculum provides many resources for students to use, and we appreciate your understanding.
Snacks/Lunch and Water Bottles
Students will bring their own snacks from home. Healthy mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon snack breaks are provided for all Lower School children. Children should not bring any nut-based foods, candy, or gum to school.
Pike provides a well-balanced hot lunch every day. Lunch typically includes a choice of a main dish, a selection of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as a variety of sandwiches. Throughout the year, we encourage children to try new foods served at school. Milk is available every day.
We have water fountains and “filling stations” throughout the school. We recommend that students bring a water bottle to school on Monday, leave it in school for the week, and bring it home on Friday to be washed out.
The Town of Andover provides busing for Andover residents; Pike students must have signed up by this time. Routes/times will be sent to families before the opening of school. Questions about Andover busing should be addressed to Doris Moreno, Andover Public Schools Transportation Coordinator at 978-247-7065, or Students may not ride on any bus except the one they are assigned to. Students who do not ride the bus may not do so for play dates. There is no bus service on Wednesday afternoons, when Pike has early dismissal. However, families may register for Pike Plus on those days.
Birthday Parties
In order to avoid hurt feelings, please do not deliver party invitations or birthday gifts at school. Please do not use school grounds as a starting point for parties.
Birthday Books
Through this program, families may donate a book of their choice to their child(ren)'s classroom libraries in honor of their birthday. Children may bring books directly to their anchor teacher, advisor, or subject area teacher if they wish to participate in this program.
Dear Lower School Families,
We have had a terrific first week of school! It has been such a pleasure to welcome your children (back) to Pike and start to get to know them. They have been learning about their new classrooms, teachers, friends, and everyday routines of the Lower School. Teachers loved connecting with all of you during our Meet & Greets this week as well - we’re off to an amazing start.
Just a few reminders as we head into the weekend:
Pike Web Page Reminder: There is a great deal of information for Lower School families on this portion of the Pike website. You will find two sections in particular, the Lower School Opening 2024-2025 and the Lower School Parent/Guardian Procedures 2024-2025, to be chock full of helpful information distilled from our Student and Family Handbook. If you have questions like “Are wearable devices like AppleWatches allowed in Lower School?” (No) “What time does morning dropoff end?” (8:20 am) and “May I come and eat lunch at Pike with my Lower Schooler?” (Yes! Soon!), we recommend that you check these pages out.
Carpool Reminders: Thanks to your attention and safe driving, drop off and pickup have gone smoothly during opening week. Next week both divisions will dismiss in the afternoon, and it inevitably takes a few weeks to work out the kinks. A few tips to alleviate some of the backups:
- Early morning dropoff is available every day from 7:30-8:00. If you arrive before 8:00 there is no need to wait until official dropoff begins (with adults opening car doors for PK-2nd graders) for your child to enter the building via the main entrance.
- Children have been wonderful about having their backpacks ready to go when the car doors are opened - thank you!
- We know that in the afternoon it’s tricky if your family has multiple pickup points. However in the interest of safety we must ask that Pre-K to Gr 2 students be dropped off/picked up in front of the Pre-K playground and 3rd/4th graders be dropped off/picked up in front of the entrance to the school. Upper Schoolers will be dismissing from their area as well and so from a safety perspective children must stick to those designated areas. Thanks for understanding!
- Please do not exit your car and enter into the line of traffic, or have your child enter the car on the driver’s side. If your young child needs help or time buckling themselves into their carseat once they enter your vehicle on the passenger side, we ask that rather than hold up the carline to assist them, you slowly pull to the very front of the PK to 2 pickup line (staff may in fact direct you to do so) so as to not block traffic.
Snack Reminder: It has been fantastic to see the variety of healthy foods your children have been bringing for snacks. We thank you and your children for keeping not only health but sustainability in mind as you think together about snack options. Thank you for continuing to include your children in the conversation about their daily snacks!
Clothing Reminder: Please send an extra complete set of clothing in a bag to school that your child may keep in their cubby. Lower School’s dress code is very simple – children should be comfortable and be ready to (possibly!) get a little messy. Please make sure students wear sneakers on PE days - although they’re great every day. If you are able to have your child keep an extra set of rain boots at school, that would be helpful. If not, please make sure to send them in on rainy days. Your child’s teacher may occasionally let you know about a planned outdoor activity such as a nature trail walk and request that they bring in boots for such an occasion.
Lost & Found item reminder: Items like jackets, sweatshirts, and water bottles should be labeled with your child’s first and last name. There are several Lost & Found locations around the school, and items are more easily returned to students when they are labeled. We are not able to send students who leave items behind outside at recess to retrieve them during the school day.
Lunch Reminder: Lower Schoolers start eating lunch at school on Monday, as we will no longer be on a half-day schedule. K-4 students have been practicing what it looks and feels like to eat in the dining room - to share that community space and enjoy a meal together, as well as to clean up afterwards as good citizens at Pike. Lunch is one of those times when Non Sibi Solum is in full effect!
After School/Enrichment Reminder: Programs begin on Monday 9/9. Please be on the lookout for an email from Emeric Viani regarding music offerings.
Upcoming Events Reminder: Please be on the lookout for the weekly PikeHub email which is full of important information, including announcements about upcoming events. Two such events are tonight’s Back to School Social (6-7:30 at Pike) and next week’s Outdoor Movie Night (7 pm at Pike)!
Your children are awesome and it is an honor to get to spend time with them here at Pike. I look forward to our partnership in support of their education, and invite you to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.
See you tonight at the Social!
Take care,
Dear Lower School Families,
It's hard to believe we are already at the end of November. We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving break and enjoy time with loved ones and good food!
We are very excited to welcome award-winning author and illustrator Juana Martinez-Neal to Pike next week, on Friday, December 6.
Juana will be sharing her life, her art, and her writing with students in grades PreK - 4 in assembly presentations. Upper School grade 7 Spanish classes will join a Lower School presentation in a unique cross-divisional opportunity. To learn more about this talented Peruvian-American creator, please visit her website.
As part of her visit, Juana will hold a book signing. Your child is welcome to bring in a Juana Martinez-Neal title that you already own. In addition, a limited number of books are available to pre-order through the Pike Library. Please use this order form, which should be completed and returned with payment to the library by Monday, December 2.
We are also heading into colder temperatures and ask that you send your child in with a coat, hat, and gloves/mittens to wear at recess. If the temperatures drop more, or we experience our first snowfall sometime soon, we will ask you to send in snow pants in addition to the items mentioned previously. We go outside most days, so please help make sure your child has the right attire. Additionally, you may want to check on your child's extra clothing supply at school - if they still have shorts and a t-shirt in their cubby, we ask that you swap them out for long sleeves/pants.
On a related note, please be sure to check the lost & found in the coming weeks as all items left at Pike on 12/20 when we close for winter break will be donated.
Thanks so much and we'll see you in December!
Dear Lower School Families,
Happy New Year! I hope your break was wonderful and I hope your kiddos are healthy and feeling ready to come back to Pike tomorrow. We know that a return to routines is an adjustment and we are excited to welcome our students back with full hearts and lots of patience.
We wanted to remind you that while we keep a careful eye on the weather, we do take students out for recess every day unless the temperatures are extremely low. While there is no snow on the ground (yet!), we require lower school students to have snowpants, boots, gloves or mittens, a coat, and something to cover their heads/ears every day in order to go outside. Thanks in advance for sending them in with winter gear tomorrow!
Here's to a terrific 2025.
Upper School (Grades 5-9)
Dear Upper School Families,
We are thrilled to welcome your students to Upper School tomorrow morning.
Here are some quick reminders for a smooth transition:
The Fall 2024 Upper School Student Snapshots can be found at this link. Please click the link for your child’s grade level. We truly appreciate you taking the time to complete the Google Form if you have not already done so. The Form will close on Wednesday.
Parents/guardians are welcome to walk their Upper Schooler to their homeroom on the first day of school (only), should they choose to; we respectfully ask that adults drop off their students without lingering in the classroom so that advisories can get started!
Grades 5-9 have full days of school, per usual, during opening week.
Please keep in mind that arrival takes place between 8 AM and 8:15 AM, Monday-Friday, for Grades 5-9 on the side of the building. Homeroom will start promptly at 8:15 AM. Students arriving after this time will use the front doors and will be marked tardy. 7:30 - 8 AM early drop-off in the Dining Room is available to all students.
For car-line pickup, please be sure to bring your name tag visor to display on your windshield. Students may not use their phones, other than to quickly check in with their ride, while waiting during dismissal. Thank you for helping to support this safety policy.
Pike Plus begins on September 3rd; Enrichment and Athletics begin on September 9th (please note soccer tryouts will be held this week).
Here we go!
Gina Moran
Interim Head of Upper School
August Family Letter 8.19.24
Dear Upper School Families,
As late summer arrives, I hope you’ve had the time you wanted to have – relaxing or adventurous, connected or off the grid – whatever your family personally needed. On my end, things were busy with my crew of 3 boys under 10, and I loved every minute of it– from beach time, to summer hockey, to watching the Olympics. Now, we turn ourselves towards the fall, another beloved season in my family. For me, that unique feeling of positive anticipation for what’s to come whenever a new school year approaches is a welcome one.
This afternoon, Upper School students will have access to their schedules on Veracross. Students will find their advisor’s name and room number at the top of their schedule. On the first day of school, students should go directly to their advisor’s room, where we will help them navigate all other details about the day. Please know all Upper Schoolers will experience a built-in orientation in the first few days of school, and we will have many older students and Pike adults on hand to warmly receive new students, 5th graders, and 6th graders!
Your child’s advisor will be your main point of contact this year. Advisors are excited to partner with you to support your child's academic and social transition. Between now and the end of the first week of school, you will receive a call from your Upper Schooler’s advisor. This phone call is a fantastic opportunity for advisors to introduce themselves and for you to ask questions or share any information to help the advisor support your Upper Schooler.
Advisors are eager to support their advisees from the moment they set foot on campus. We plan to build trusting relationships from the start so that our students may grow and thrive in Upper School. This year, we are utilizing a Google Form. The Fall 2024 Upper School Student Snapshots can be found at this link. Please click the link for your child’s grade level. We truly appreciate you taking the time to complete the Google Form by Monday, August 26th, if you have not already done so.
Here are some details to help with back-to-school:
FSP Back to School Potluck
The Upper School potluck is this Tuesday, August 20 from 6-7 PM on the patio at Pike. I’m excited to attend and hope to see many of you there!
Medication Drop-off
On Thursday, August 29th from 1-3PM parents/guardians can drop off prescription medications with our school nurses, or on the first day of school.
First Day of School
Parents/guardians are welcome to walk their Upper Schooler to their homeroom on the first day of school (only), should they choose to; we respectfully ask that adults drop off their students without lingering in the classroom so that advisories can get started! All parents/guardians are welcome to join our annual Boohoo/Yahoo Coffee event from 8-9:30 AM.
First Week of School
Grades 5-9 have full days of school, per usual, during opening week.
Drop- Off and Pick-Up for Upper School: Please see attached maps.
As you drive in, please take a right as you enter the campus from Ballardvale Road, and loop around the side parking lot to the building. Upper School students will enter the building through the side door, not the front entrance. Please be sure to bring your name tag visor to display on your windshield. This will ensure that pick-up and drop-off go smoothly. (You will receive this in the mail prior to the start of school.)
Upper School Arrival Time
As you plan for the fall, please keep in mind that arrival takes place between 8 AM and 8:15 AM, Monday-Friday, for Grades 5-9. Homeroom will start promptly at 8:15 AM, including a morning meeting using the RULER approach. Students arriving after this time will be marked tardy and will need to enter through the front, rather than side, door. 7:30 - 8 AM early drop-off in the Dining Room is available to all students.
Upper School Dismissal Time
3:20 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday/2:10 p.m. Wednesday
Students will wait for their rides on the sidewalk on the side of the building. Please note that students who are not picked up by 3:45 p.m. (2:35 p.m. on Wednesdays) will be walked to Pike Plus for fee-based supervision.
Pike Plus
Please use this link to learn more about our Auxiliary Program offerings before and after school, and on non-academic days.
Please use this link to learn more about interscholastic and intramural Athletics registration.
Save the Date
Upper School Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 PM.
Again, I am truly looking forward to an incredible year of curiosity, fun, and achievement – together.
Gina Moran
Interim Head of Upper School
August Family Letter 8.5.24
Dear Upper School Families,
As we enter August, I am writing to share some midsummer information.
Magnus/Health Info
- Today you received a letter from the Nurse’s Office containing instructions for accessing Magnus, our student health information system, in order to complete the forms necessary for us to begin the school year. We appreciate your cooperation in completing these Magnus forms as soon as possible, and no later than Monday, August 26th.
Student Snapshots
- Advisors are eager to support their advisees from the moment they set foot on campus. We plan to build trusting relationships from the start, so that our students may grow and thrive with us. We use a Google Form each summer to collect helpful info, serving as a “snapshot” of each child. The Fall 2024 Upper School Student Snapshots can be found at this link. Please review the list and click the link for your child’s grade level. We truly appreciate you taking the time to complete the Google Form by Monday, August 26th.
New-to-Pike Student Orientation
- All Upper School students will have orientation built into the first week of school. Students new to Pike, only, have received invitations for advisor visits on Thursday, August 29th, from 2 to 3 PM.
Student Schedules
- Student course schedules and advisor assignments will be available on Veracross on August 19th.
Summer Reading & Review
- As a reminder, there are summer reading requirements for students entering Grades 5-9. Please see the Library SummerReads webpage. Happy reading!
- Optional math prep packets are posted for all students.
- Students new to Pike in Grades 7 and 8 are strongly encouraged to review the posted World Language packets.
Introducing the Upper School Coordinator of Student Belonging!
- I am thrilled to share that this fall, Grades 5 & 6 ELA Faculty and Advisor Ruth Koenigsbauer steps into the new role of Upper School Coordinator of Student Belonging, in addition to her teaching responsibilities. “Mrs. K.” will be working closely with me to further strengthen student programming such as Clubs, Advisory, Assemblies, Student Council, and other opportunities for connection and authenticity in the middle grades.
Updates to the Upper School Daily Schedule
- Please see our new weekly schedule for Grades 5-9. We have made some small, thoughtful changes to enhance the student experience, including:
- Office Hours will return to the timeslot after lunch, and will return to Wednesdays.
- Grade 5 students will have structured, daily DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time.
- Each day will end with a 10 minute “check-out” opportunity for students and their advisors.
- Advisory will now be held every week.
- Upper School will continue to use a Week 1 and Week 2 rotating course schedule.
Upper School Arrival Time
- As you plan for the fall, please keep in mind that arrival takes place between 8 AM and 8:15 AM, Monday-Friday, for Grades 5-9. Homeroom will start promptly at 8:15 AM, including a morning meeting using the RULER approach. Students arriving after this time will be marked tardy and will need to enter through the front, rather than side, door. 7:30 - 8 AM early drop-off in the Dining Room is available to all students.
Webinar Recording Available
- On July 30th, Nancy Hartmann, Director of Auxiliary Services, and I hosted a webinar to help Grades 5-9 families navigate the wealth of before and after school activity options at Pike – including athletics, music, academic teams, and enrichment. The recording is now available and can be found here; the slidedeck can be found here.
Grade 8/9 Arts Courses
- Grades 8 and 9 students who are enrolled in Music and Theatre (only) have received important emails from their teachers with dates for mandatory rehearsals and performances this year. Please be sure to review these emails carefully, and mark your calendars.
Families can expect additional communication from me the week of August 19th.
I hope you have a safe and relaxing few weeks!
Gina Moran
Interim Head of Upper School