Spring History Project

Citing Sources: Before starting your research session, log into NoodleTools and open your source list. Remember to add all your sources. 


Native Lands Map



Recommended Databases

Britannica Encyclopedia

Search for states and names of tribes/nations. NoodleTool tip: use the checkmark ("cite") button to copy and paste the information into your source list.  

Kids Discover Online Magazine

Kids Discover

Search for states and names of tribes/nations. NoodleTool tip: use the checkmark ("cite") button to copy and paste the information into your source list.  

Gale U.S. History

Search for states and names of tribes/nations. NoodleTool tip: you can export your information straight into your source list! 

Gale In Context

Middle School

NoodleTool tip: you can export your information straight into your source list!

Selected Web Sites

Indigenous Communities of Connecticut (TeachIt for educators)

The Abenaki (Vermont History Explorer)

Early Narragansett History (Narragansett Indian Tribe) 

400 Years of Wampanoag History (Mayflower 400 Project) 


The Lenape (West Philadelphia Collaborative History)

Historical Life As a Haudenosaunee: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca (Haudenosaunee Confederacy) 


Indigenous Peoples in Virginia (Encyclopedia Virginia)

Colonial Settlement, 1600s (Library of Congress)

Creek Indians (New Georgia Encyclopedia) 

Cherokees (South Carolina Encyclopedia)