The Renaissance

You will find most of the information you need for this project in the database links below.  

Cite Your Sources


Remember to have a tab open at your Renaissance project for easy import or copy/paste of citations from database articles. All Gale databases have import functionality.

Print Resources

Print resources in the Pike Library include individual biographies, The World Book Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia of World BiographyThe Encyclopedia of Artists, and non-fiction on scientific concepts and inventions.  

Database: General Encyclopedia

Copy and paste article citations from Britannica into NoodleTools by clicking the checkbox icon.

Database: Biographies

Database: World History

Database: Science

Database: Fine Arts

Gale Fine Arts

Website: Artcyclopedia

Artcyclopedia is a searchable listing of artists, art works, and museums worldwide, providing links to images and information.

 The Art Story's Renaissance artist page features comprehensive articles about many artists that have been compiled and reviewed by art historians.