A Message from Pike's Health Office March 29, 2024

A Message from Pike's Health Office March 29, 2024

Pike Community,

Happy Spring! We are all looking forward to increasing outdoor time in the weeks to come and wanted to share a few health and wellness reminders for this season!


General Illness Reminders

Please report all absences related to illness to the School Nurse via email or phone call.

Students must be free of any of the following symptoms for 24 hours before they may return to school:

  • Fever of 100F degrees or above 

    • If your child is taking Tylenol/Advil for a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT medication

  • Vomiting or diarrhea 

Updated Protocols for COVID-19 and Respiratory Illnesses

In alignment with the CDC and MA DPH, the Pike School is following the MA DPH respiratory illness guidelines.

Students and staff may return to activities/school if they have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines AND other symptoms are improving.  It is recommended to mask indoors for five days after their return.


Spring allergy season is here. If your child is on daily allergy medications, it is time to restart and take them on a daily basis.

Tick Talk

The single most important thing that can be done to prevent Lyme disease and other diseases spread by ticks is to check your child’s body for ticks every day after being outdoors.  Ticks that have attached should be removed as soon as possible using a pair of fine point tweezers, grabbing the tick as close to the skin as possible, and pulling straight out.  If you remove a tick, please call your health care provider to determine if any additional treatment is needed.

If we find a tick has attached itself to the skin of a student and it is discovered when the child is at school, the student will be sent to the nurse’s office.  The tick will be removed and the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted with a recommendation to follow up with their Primary Care provider.


Please remember to apply sunscreen to your child prior to coming to school when sunny weather arrives (hopefully soon!) 

Thank you,

Sara Stevens and Katie Rae