This January, we hosted our annual Family Math Night, an all-school event designed to bring students, families, and faculty together to celebrate the power of math at Pike. Held on campus, the This January, we hosted our annual Family Math Night, an all-school event designed to bring students, families, and faculty together to celebrate the power of math at Pike. Held on campus, the evening featured a variety of interactive math stations, collaborative challenges, and hands-on activities for all ages.
A standout feature of the night was the leadership of Upper School students, who designed and ran many of the math stations. Their innovative activities encouraged younger students to explore math concepts in new and exciting ways. From logic puzzles to estimation games, each station offered a unique opportunity for participants to engage with math in a fun and accessible way with their family and friends.
The evening also included a special preview of Pike’s updated math curriculum, shared by members of the Math Curriculum Review Committee. Families had the opportunity to learn more about the committee’s journey in re-evaluating Pike’s teaching materials, pedagogy, and curricular resources to ensure they align with the needs of our Curious Learners and Optimistic Innovators.
The event was a chance for families to connect with one another and share in the joy of learning. Families and students worked together to solve problems, build structures, and discover creative solutions. It was wonderful to see our entire community come together to engage in learning and math exploration together!
Catch a Glimpse of the Excitement!